Steel Wheels Project: Application Object Model
Application Object Model


The Application Object Mode provides a structural representation of the GUI application. The concept of this model is/will be implemented by Kiwi UserInterface Framework.

In this document, the model is described by the The KiwiScript Language.


This document is written by Steel Wheels Project.

Project status

The specification the application object model is still under construction.

Structural Representation

The Application Object Model is described by the KiwiScript.


The system is a root of the Application Object Model. Every other objects are children of the system object. The system frame has application slot.

system: {
  application: {
   prototype: Application ;


The application contains main menu and some documents.

application: {
 prototype: Application ;
 main_menu: {
  prototype: MainMenu ;
  } ;
 documents: [ # array of Document objects
 ] ;

Main Menu

Main menu is displayed at the top of the screen. This contains some menu items.

main_menu: {
 prototype: MainMenu ;
 file: {
  prototype: MenuItem ;
 edit: {
  prototype: MenuItem ;


In usually, the document has a window. But it can have the multiple windows per document.

document: {
 windows: {
 	window1 : {
 	 prototype: Window ;
 ] ;


Window contains some view objects on it.

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Produced by Steel Wheels Project.